SUNNY OASIS will handle either domain registration or transfer on your behalf. For new domains, see our pricing to register a domain. Non-US or non-Canadian domain registration must be handled by the end user but we can assist you with the proper contact for your country.
Check to see if a domain name that you are considering is available yet for .com, .net or .org domain names. Email us if you have a Canadian .ca domain name that you would like to use and would like to see if it is available.
You will have unlimited access via FTP 24-hours a day to set up and maintain your web site. You can literally work on HTML documents, graphics, and scripts locally and then upload files to your web site when ready. An FTP tutorial and client software is available.
In general, any outward bound traffic from a website with the exception of email is considered to be data transfer. For example, each time a web page or image is loaded, a file is downloaded from your web site (not uploaded), or and audio file is requested data transfer is generated.
The three T3's is our connection to the internet. The presence of the T3's affords a high speed at which data can be transferred. In addition, the T3's ensures that sufficient bandwidth will be available to each SUNNY OASIS customer. The redundant T3's and multiple full T1 lines as back-up are maintained. A T3 is equivalent to 28 T1's.
Once your domain name is active worldwide, you can receive all email addressed to your domain such as,, etc. By default, all email addressed to your domain will forward to your real email address provided by your local internet provider. For convenience, 10 mail forwarding options are available if you need specific addresses to be forwarded to different addresses on the internet. For example, email addressed to could forward to an account at AOL, but could forward to a Prodigy account.
In addition to mail forwarding, users have the option to retrieve email directly from POP3 mailboxes on the mail server using a Program like Eudora.
"Autoresponders" reply to incoming e-mail automatically. An autoresponder could be used to send a standard text file to persons addressing, say, . SUNNY OASIS uses an autoresponder to send basic information to persons addressing . If you've ever received a response to an email which suggests that the recipient is away from the office, you may have received such an automated response.
All customers have access to a personal cgi-bin directory which is reserved for custom CGI scripts. CGI scripts are often used to accomplish tasks which are not supported by basic HTML such as a "hit" counter or guest book. SUNNY OASIS makes a number of CGI scripts available, but this directory can be used to set up scripts that you write or locate elsewhere on the web.
A program is used to track web usage statistics such as what domains are accessing your web site, how many "hits" you are getting, how much data is being transferred and more. Multi-processor Silicon Graphics web servers are used to crunch these numbers.
A sample set of statistics pages is available to view.
All users have access to a web-based Control Panel which allows you to set mail forwarding options, enable/disable anonymous FTP access, change your password and more.
Enabling anonymous FTP allows visitors to access your web site to upload and/or download files without a unique id and password. By controllable anonymous FTP, we are referring to an environment whereby anonymous access can be limited to specific files and directories. An FTP tutorial and client software is available.
Allows you to check your cgi PERL scripts online and reports back any errors
Add userid and password access to any directory on your site and add as many users as you
like using the online control panel to add or delete users.
To see an example of this,
click here and enter:
Userid: guest
Password: password
A server side include (ssi) can allow you to create dynamic documents without cgi scripting. For a more complete discussion of what ssi's are and how you can use them please visit Yahoo's directory on the subject.
Important! Any web page in which you've included an ssi must have the extension .shtml to be parsed for server side includes. Please also note that an ssi will slow the response of your page due to the extra step(s) involved.
If you view the source of a ssi .shtml page you won't see the ssi tags. Before the page is served to your browser they're converted to their "values" and the ssi commands originally embedded aren't viewable.
You can also use:
<!--#include file="test.txt"-->to include the contents of a file in the same directory as the file including it:
More detailed information is available here
MySQL, PostgreSQL are database engines designed to provide fast access to stored data. We provide the tools to create a searchable database. In most instances, custom programming (commonly Perl or PHP) is needed to implement a fully functional web-to-database interface.
SSL (Secure Socket
Layer) allows users to collect data such as credit card
information in a secure environment. Information submitted via a secure
form is sent to the server in an encrypted mode. Users may choose
to research methods such as encrypted email (PGP), CyberCash, or
other solution for retrieving such information from their web
Payment Gateways enable you to securely process credit card transactions 24 hours a day, seven days a week to a new global marketplace. They work with all the popular browsers, as well as the majority of Internet hardware, software, servers, communication protocols, and web store applications.
Please contact us if you require a payment gateway and merchant account provider.