Manual Setup of Win95 Dialup Networking
NOTE: OPEN means double-click your left mouse button.
CLICK means click your left mouse button once.
1. Checking to see if you have Dial-up Networking installed:
OPEN the "My Computer" icon on your Windows 95 screen.
If a folder named "Dial-Up Networking" exists, then Dial-Up Networking is
installed. If Dial-Up Networking is installed proceed to step 3.
2. Installing Dial-up Networking:
At this point, Windows 95 will install Dial-Up Networking. You may be
asked to insert one of your Windows 95 floppy disks, or the Windows 95
CD. If so, insert the disks or CD until Windows 95 has
completed installing Dial-Up Networking.
When Dial-Up Networking has been installed, you will be asked to restart
your computer.
RESTART your computer.
3. Configuring the Networking control panel:
In the list labelled "The following network components are installed" check
to see if Dial-Up Adapter and TCP/IP are present. If both are present,
skip to (3c.) Configuring...
3a. Installing Dial-Up Adapter (if Dial-Up Adapter is not already present):
3b. Installing TCP/IP (if TCP/IP is not already present):
3c. Configuring Dial-Up Adapter and TCP/IP:
At this point, if you added either Dial-Up Adapter or TCP/IP, Windows 95
will need to install those components. If you are asked to insert your
Windows 95 CD or floppy disks, just follow Windows 95's instructions until
it has finished installing Dial-Up Adapter and/or TCP/IP. Once Windows 95
has finished installing, you will be asked to reboot your computer.
Select Reboot.
4. Creating a Dial-Up Networking connection to InfiNet:
5. Configuring your Dial-Up Networking Connection:
6. Making a shortcut to the "InfiNet" icon:
7. If you made a shortcut to "InfiNet" OPEN the icon "InfiNet":
7a. If you have call-waiting, or need to dial additional numbers to reach an
outside line:
Windows 95 Configuration with the Internet Setup Wizard
If you have Microsoft Plus! installed on your Windows95 machine, you'll have an
Internet Setup Wizard you can run to configure the dialer for internet access.
Hit your Start button and go into Programs, Accessories, Internet Tools.
There you should see the Setup Wizard. Some questions may not always appear but
this rundown should answer those that do...
If you are asked how to connect, you'll want to respond "using your own
phone line".
You'll be asked if you want to use MSN, or if you have an account with another
provider. If you are signed up with InfiNet, you have an account with another
It asks the name of the provider, a good response is: InfiNet
It asks for the phone number so type in the local access number for your area.
If asked if you want a terminal window, choose no.
Next come prompts for the username and password. Be sure to use your IP
(PPP or SLIP) login and password that we assign you here. Letters are lower
Next you'll be asked how you obtain you IP address. Choose "Automatically from
the Server".
Next are prompts for the Domain Name Server (DNS) IP address(es). You'll want
to put in: and
If you decided to use Microsoft Exchange for email, you'll be asked if you want
to use internet mail, and you do. The wizard asks you for your email address
(in the form of
Next you are asked for the internet mail server, ours is:
Finally, tell the script to use the internet mail settings when starting
Exchange and your are set. Most of the time you'll be told to restart
your computer for these changes to take effect.
If all went well, you should now be able to access by starting the
Internet Explorer program!